Good evening. This is Dead Legends. Skipping the intro and comin’ right atcha today.

Let’s dive in.

Today’s story is about a man who needs no introduction.

Laurence Leavy aka “Marlin’s Man” is one of the most recognizable sports fans in the world.

His signature look — the bright Orange Marlins jersey and tilted visor — makes him stick out like a highlighter in a pack of pencils everywhere he goes.

He’s been spotted at the World Series, the NBA playoffs, and even the Kentucky Derby.

According to Leavy, he goes to an estimated 285 events per year, and it all started by accident.

Back in 2012 — the same year the fish added bright orange jerseys to the mix — Leavy wore his Marlins jersey to a Heat playoff game and in his words: “Stuck out like a creamsicle” amongst a sea of white shirts.

He had been given a white shirt to wear like every other fan in the building, but when someone stole it off his chair, he just went with it.

That same year, he was seen again sitting behind home plate when the Giants won the World Series.

A legend was born.

So let’s answer the question on everyone’s mind: How is this guy so rich?

Leavy is a 65-year-old worker’s compensation lawyer from Miami.

Basically when people get injured at work, he makes sure that they get paid, and he makes a boatload of money doing it.

He uses frequent flyer miles to pay for his travel and his income from his law practice bankrolls the rest.

Leavy used to purchase tickets through scalpers, but eventually he developed contacts in every city he visited.

So basically, whatever kind of tickets he needs to get these days, “he has a guy” for.

The amazing part about Laurence is that he doesn’t just buy a ticket for himself; he’s all about paying it forward.

Sometimes he brings dates to the games, but many times he just brings randos.

In 2019 alone, he gave out more than 2,000 tickets.

You’d think the Marlins would love this guy — he’s a walking billboard for the organization everywhere he goes.

But it hasn’t always been gravy with the home team.

Apparently, back in 2018, he offered the Marlins $200,000 for a three-year deal that included four Diamond Club seats behind home plate.

Miami did their best Dikembe Mutombo impression in return.

He couldn’t agree to terms with the club, and it led Leavy to stop buying season tickets after having them for 25 years.

“They said I did nothing for the team; I don’t promote the Marlins; nobody buys season tickets because of me; nobody buys advertising because of me; and they don’t care what I do.”

- Laurence Leavy

Last time I checked, Laurence is still to doing his thing — and still rocking Marlins’ orange.

Matter of fact, he was just at the Red Sox-Yankees game last night.

So there must not be any beef between the two at this point.

Hank Aaron once said, “It took me seventeen years to get 3,000 hits in baseball. It took one afternoon on the golf course.”

I felt that.

It’s a natural progression in a ballplayer’s life — we go from the backyard, to the diamond, and then move onto the golf course when we’re washed up.

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If you're just joining us, we play this game every day where we try to find the weirdest names throughout baseball history.

Why? Don't ask us, it's just something we like to do.

If you've been rocking with us for awhile now, you know what time it is.

Today's winner is:

Van Lingle Mungo was as wild as they come.

He made five all-star teams and even had a song written about him.

We did a whole story about him a couple of weeks ago — go check it out if you missed it.


If you like this story, check out some of our past favorites:

That's it for today. Tomorrow we're back at it like a bad habit. See ya!

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